Thursday 17 February 2011

Looking for a Top Notch Fitness Program?

If you are, then I'm tempted to say, "Look no further..."

Some of the best work in fitness programming today is being done by Scott Sonnon, a physical fitness professor and martial arts champion who currently travels the world teaching fitness to everyone from house wives to special forces personnel.  

Right now I'm in the middle of evaluating two of Scott's top programs, TACFIT Commando and TACFIT Mass Assault ("mass" here refers to building functional muscle mass), and I'm already quite impressed, for reasons I'll outline below.  

Nor is my interest just academic - in April I'll be taking part in a special forces training camp and have to get into top shape before I arrive.  After having kept an eye on Scott's work for several months, I decided to use his methods to help me do this and, so far, I'm very happy with that decision. 

Check out this video of one of his classes:

Just so you know, you don't need all this equipment to do Scott's programs.  Mass Assault, for example, uses nothing more than one set of dumbbells. 

My Evaluation

Again, this is a preliminary evaluation, but I'm guessing it won't change much. Here's what I really like about Scott's programs:

1. They're supported by video teaching and all the videos are online, as are the training calendars and manuals, so you've got the info with you no matter where you are.

2. You can get through your workout with minimal time investment (20-30 minutes every day you train is plenty).

3. The exercises are built on solid science, so you know you're in good hands.

4. Scott has included specific mandatory warm-up and cool-down segments to reduce the likelihood of injury - something that well-intentioned amateurs usually overlook in their training and pay for down the road. 

My only criticism so far is that the same exercise may have a different name on the calendar than it does in the video.  This isn't a show stopper since you'll figure it out pretty quickly, but it does put a bump in the road.  

All in all, if you've got a basic level of fitness (meaning you've seen your toes recently and could jog a hundred meters without collapsing) and you're looking for a serious and well-structured workout, checking out Scott Sonnon's programs would be a great idea.

~ Dr. Symeon Rodger

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